Doctorate Program
Allmän studieplan på curriculum at
- Feedback control theory, Richard Pates
- Julia for scientific programming
- FRT260F Real-Time Operating Systems, Jan—Mar
- Linear Systems, Venkatraman Renganathan, Start February
- Modeling - from Physics to Languages
and Software, Karl Johan Åström, starts in April - Statistical Learning and Data Visualisation : a data-driven tour through the cancer immunity state space
- Nonlinear Control, Richard Pates
- Robust Control
- FRT235F Adaptive Control
- Introduction to Innovation in Computing Disciplines, Feb
- Study circle in Deep Reinforcement learning, Starts February 10
- Large-Scale Convex Optimization
- Control System Synthesis
- Programming Languages and Concepts, start March 23
- Hands-on Machine Learning
- Ethics and Research Methodology, start Oct 25
- Linear Systems, start Oct 17
- Cloud Native, start September 6
- Summer school: Topics in Motion Planning and Control, August 5-9, 2019
- Stochastic Control, start April 24
- Julia Course, start March 14
- Study Circle in Reinforcement Learning, start Jan 25
- Convex Optimization, start November
- Optimal Control, start January 23
- Robust Control, start September 18 at 13.15 in M:2112B
- Feedback Control of Computing Systems, start November 13
- Motion Planning and Control, start Aug. 30
- Lab Development, start May 3
- Research Innovation, April 18
- Nonlinear Control, April 4 to May 30.
- Real-Time and Embedded Systems with Applications to Machine Learning, start March 6
- Model Predictive Control- Study Circle , start Feb 20
- Research Ethics, November 23
- Linear Systems, start Oct 17
- Deep Learning (study circle starting in September,
- History of Control (study circle), start September 1
- Research Methodology, June 1
- Programming Languages and Concepts (study circle, based on Dan Grossman's course on Programming Languages), start April 20
- Control System Synthesis (BoB + Karl Johan), start Feb 15
- Stochastic Control (Björn Wittenmark), start Jan 18
- Convex Optimization, (Pontus Giselsson), start Feb 10
- Introductioin to Cloud Computing (Johan Eker), start Feb 3
- Robust Control (Anders Rantzer), start April 7
- Julia Course (Kristian Soltesz), start August 21
- Hybrid Systems (Maria Prandini), start October 5
- Numerical Optimization (Andrey Ghulchak & Fredrik Magnusson), start October 23
- Large-Scale Convex Optimization (Pontus Giselsson), start November 2