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Seminars and Events at automatic control

All seminars are held at the Department of Automatic Control, in the seminar room M 3170-73 on the third floor in the M-building, unless stated otherwise.


Seminar by Enrico Bini: Scheduling with Minimal Lag: borrowing from Combinatorics


From: 2024-09-18 10:30 to 11:30
Place: Seminar Room M 3170-73 in the M-building, LTH
Contact: karl-erik [dot] arzen [at] control [dot] lth [dot] se

Date & Time: September 18th, 10:30-11:30
Location: Seminar Room M 3170-73 in the M-building, LTH
Title: Scheduling with Minimal Lag: borrowing from Combinatorics
Speaker: Enrico Bini, Associate Professor, University of Turin

Abstract: The fair allocation of resources is a central problem in scheduling. In its minimal formulation, given a number of tasks (demands in manufacturing, flows in networking, etc.) modeled by a utilization, the goal of the scheduler is to allocate resources as close as possible to an ideal fluid allocation. The lag measures the distance from the ideal schedule. A scheduler is normally called fair if it guarantees a bounded lag. Motivated by the observation that a lower lag implies a greater proximity to the ideal resource allocation, in this paper, we propose a scheduling algorithm that produces schedules with lower lag bounds. We accompany our algorithm with some tightness results, showing that below a certain bound, no feasible schedule exists. Finally, from a computational perspective, we show that our algorithm is very efficient and then suited for implementation in kernels such as Linux.

Bio: Enrico Bini is Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science, University of Turin. He also held positions at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (assistant professor, until 2016) and Lund Universit (Marie-Curie fellow, 2012-14). In 2004, he completed the PhD on Real-Time Systems at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (recipient of the "Spitali Award" for best PhD thesis of the whole university). In January 2010 he also completed a Master degree in Mathematics with a thesis on optimal sampling for linear control systems.

He has published more than 100 papers (1 Test-of-Time award by the IEEE TCRTS, 4 best-paper awards @RTNS @RTCSA @ICC, 3 most cited papers @ECRTS, 1 most cited @RTSS) on real-time scheduling, operating systems, optimization methods for real-time and control systems, optimal management of distributed and parallel resources. He is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers, ACM Computing Surveys, and Springer's Real-Time Systems journal. His service to the scientific community includes chairing 12 events (including Program Chair of RTSS21, Program co-Chair of RTCSA2020, chair of the Embedded Software track of DAC2020) and the participation in 82 Technical Program Committees.