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Workshop Program

Some photos from the event

Wednesday, May 18

Selling Random Energy I

Pravin Varaiya, University of California Berkeley, USA

New Phenomena in Bulk Power System Control

Yuri Makarov, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Hidden convexity in fundamental optimization problems in power networks

Javad Lavaei, California Institute of Technology, USA

Power System Balancing by Distributed Energy Resources and Flexible Demand

Jacob Østergaard, Technical University of Denmark

Thursday, May 19

Competitive equilibria for stochastic dynamic markets

Sean Meyn, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Pool strategy of an electricity producer considering endogenous formation of clearing prices

Antonio J. Conejo, Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha, Spain

A Semi-Lagrangean Approach for price discovery in markets with Non-convexities

Kurt Jörnsten, The Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen Norway

Pricing in markets with large amounts of variable power production

Lennart Söder, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Selling Random Energy II

Kameshwar Poolla, University of California Berkeley, USA

Distributed control and pricing in a network of households with micro CHP

Jacquelien Scherpen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Cyber Security Analysis of State Estimators in Electric Power Systems

Henrik Sandberg, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

Friday, May 20

Wide-Area Power System Damping Control using Synchrophasor Data

Joe H. Chow, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

Challenges and Opportunities in Controlling Electrical Loads

Ian A Hiskens, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, USA

Bandwidth auctions and their parallels to power

Fernando Paganini, Universidad ORT Uruguay

Algebraic Methods for Power Network Analysis and Design

Antonis Papachristodoulou, University of Oxford, UK

Optimizing Dynamic Power Flow

Anders Rantzer, Lund University