Visits and Outreach Activities
School Visits

Welcoming school children and high-school students to our department, we regularly participate in the following outreach activities at LTH and in Lund:
We are also contributing to the exhibitions and experiments at Vattenhallen Science Center.
Public Communication

Our researchers are active in the public debate regarding, e.g., the COVID-19 pandemic:
- "Forskare: Se upp med komplexa coronamodeller – de kan överträffa verkligheten". Ny teknik 2020-04-24 (online).
- K. Soltesz et al.: "The effect of interventions on COVID-19". Nature, Vol. 588, Dec 2020.
We are active in AI Lund and part of the arranging committee of Nordic AI Powwow.
Our researchers contribute to popular science articles, talks, and videos, e.g.,
Policies and Standards
Our researchers participate in the development of international policies and standards. They are appointed to leading positions in these organisations and/or councils, or they are invited as experts.
- Chair of ISO/TC184/SC5 (Industrial interoperability)
- Expert in ISO's Smart Manufacturing Coordination Committee (SMCC)
Official material aimed for professionals:
- White paper on Smart Manufacturing (Editor: Charlotta Johnsson. Contributing authors from 11 Chairmen of related ISO committees), ISO SMCC, Aug 2021.
- Teknik är silver, standard är guld. En rapport on standarders värdeskapande roll i industrihistorien och vad som händer nu när industrin digitaliseras (Editor: Örjan Larsson Blue institute, Co-editors: Charlotta Johnsson Lunds universitet, Peter Wallin (PiiA), Björn Johansson (Produktion2030), Niclas Widell (SIS/ISO) och Thomas Borglin (SEK/IEC)), utgiven av 4S-projektet, December 2021.
Material for general public
The faculty has published several books, articles and white papers aimed for the general public.
Alumni has published material for younger children explaining control technology, e.g.
- Josefin Berner: Kontroll-Kalle styr fabriken.
A booklet, aimed for the general public, is published every year and contains a collection of the short and outreach-oriented articles from each of the master theses done at the department.
Historical Female Influencers in Automatic Control

The aim of this initiative is to gather a collection of portraits of women who worked in control engineering over the decades and left their mark. The purpose is to document their role and importance in the field of control engineering and to highlight the role of women for today’s students.