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Charlotta Johnsson is Dean of Campus Helsingborg, Lund University. The role as Dean at Campus Helsingborg includes activities related to education, research and collaborations, as well as coordination with all other faculties at Lund University.  

Charlotta is also Professor at the Department of Automatic Control, LTH (Engineering Faculty), Lund University. Her research is divided in four major areas; Automation, Innovation, Leadership and Pedagogy. In Automation, her primary research area, the research concerns Smart industry/Industry4.0, Manufacturing Operations, Graphical Control Languages, and Standardisation.

Charlotta Johnsson is also the Chair for ISO/TC184/SC5.  ISO is a well-recognized international standardization body. TC184 (industrial automation and integration) and SC5 (Interoperabilty, integration and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications) constitute important committees for work related to Smart Manufacturing. SC5 has 10+ members (country-members), and is divided in 10+ working groups, each group working on one or several ISO standards. 

Charlotta received her Master degree in Electrical Engineering at Lund University in Sweden in 1993. She did her PhD, focusing on graphical languages for batch control, at the Department of Automatic Control, LTH, Lund University and got her Ph.D. diploma in March 1999. In 2011 she got the Reader degree (Swe: docent) and the ETP (Excellent Teaching Practitioner) diploma, and in 2018 she became Professor. Charlotta has been awarded the Carlo Guido Stella Award in Manufacturing Automation in 2012, and was selected to the Process Automation Hall of Fame in 2016.

Charlotta worked 4 year in industry as a Product Manager with Siemens, Italy (2000-2004). Charlotta has been an adjunct professor at Control Science and Engineering at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China (2012) and she has been a visiting scholar at Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, UC Berkeley, CA, USA (2013-2014).

Charlotta is married to Hans Nilsson, they live in Lund and Viken and have three children Josefine, Emelie and Samuel.