Fethi Bencherki
About me
PhD Student at the Department of Automatic Control since Aug 2021. Supervised by Anders Rantzer. I have a MSc in Control Systems where I did my thesis on state-space identification of switched systems. The interested reader can find it here.
Fall 2021
- FRTN05 - Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems
Spring 2022
- FRTF05 - Automatic control, basic course for FIPi
Fall 2022
- FRTF05 - Automatic Control, Basic Course for DE
- FRTN05 - Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems
Fall 2023
- FRTF05 - Automatic Control, Basic Course for DE
- FRTN05 - Non-Linear Control and Servo Systems
Research and Publications
I am within the NEST project and my research interest revolves around developing scalable control approaches for large scale networks. I am also interested in learning-based control and the identification of switched systems. Below is a list of publications and preprints.
Ongoing work
Learning optimal dispatching policies over queueing networks, to appear soon as a preprint
Observer based switched-linear system identification, submitted to Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
MIMO switched-linear system identification from input-output data, submitted to International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
MIMO-SLS identification from input-output data, in 18th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation (ICCA 2024)
Realization of MIMO-SLSs from Markov parameters via forward/backward corrections, in European Control Conference (ECC 2024)
Robust simultaneous stabilization via minimax adaptive control, in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2023)
Basis transform in switched linear system state-space models from input-output data, in International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
Realization of multi-input/multi-output switched linear systems from Markov parameters, in Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems
Achieving consensus in networks of increasingly stubborn voters, in 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2022)